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Your Ritual with Come Undone

Zeit für Self-Care 02.08.23 2 min. read

No matter how strong and self-sufficient you think you may be, you're hard-wired to crave consistency and connection. All humans are. This is why rituals, transcending everyday habits, are so important to us all. Rituals serve as a source of consistency, as a marker, and as an opportunity to center and reorient oneself.

In this article, you will find your Come Undone Ritual. It was designed to promote self-acceptance and authenticity. To learn more about how rituals can enhance your well-being, click here.

Self-acceptance and authenticity for increased well-being

Self-acceptance is important because it encourages you to show up in the world as your true self, rather than trying to conform to the expectations of others. Openly accepting your uniqueness also makes you more authentic.

In the long term, this will create deeper connections and a sense of belonging, both of which are essential for your overall well-being.

Your Ritual with Come Undone

Start by taking a few deep breaths while looking at your reflection. Take a moment to concentrate on the present and calm your thoughts.

When you're ready, apply the desired amount of Come Undone to a cleansing pad or into your clean palms. Then, begin to massage the product into your face in gentle, circular motions.

Focus on the sensation on your skin, feeling as though you are shedding any excess and moving closer to your authentic self with every movement.

Now, it's time to fully focus on your true self.

Look at yourself in the mirror and direct your thoughts towards something you find beautiful or unique about yourself.

Then repeat the following affirmation three times:

"I embrace who I am and let go of what no longer serves me. I Come Undone to reveal my authentic self, which is worthy and valuable."

End the ritual by taking another deep breath. Take a moment to embrace yourself or place your hands on your heart. Notice how a profound sense of self-acceptance begins to permeate every fiber of your being.

How do you feel now? We would love to know. Share your experience via Instagram or!



