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Five reasons why self-care can enrich your relationship

Zeit für Self-Care 03.03.21 4 min. read

Hardly anything characterizes us as strong as the relationships with the people we love. They are the ones we want to tell good news first. Those who give us support and even try to understand if we barely understand ourselves.

With them we can drop us do not need anyone but just be there. Time we give, sometimes we take -. And no one measure or one with

And yet there is a foundation that is essential for healthy relationships in all this: personal responsibility.

This does not mean that we can build us do not fully rely on others, and no deep bonds. On the contrary, the sooner we start for ourselves to ensure , the sooner we can also accept external support. And once our battery is charged, we find it even easier for us to identify with our counterpart and to support others.

The wonderful thing about this? We can all self-care learning - and there are some reasons why we can be good for that:

At a glance: Five reasons why self-care can enrich your relationship

  1. Reason 1: No one knows us as well as we ourselves
  2. Reason 2: self-care as a basis for autonomy
  3. Reason 3: limits and distance can create closeness
  4. Reason 4: Enter code ...
  5. Reason 5: ... and take
  6. All the small great things

1. No one knows us as well as we ourselves

Our environment can not take responsibility for our well-being: The only we can alone. Because no one knows what is going on at this moment in us, but us. No one knows so well what our needs are, where we plaguing doubts and what we just need it most.

So if you could make us happier than we are?

An insight that, at another time, and sometimes both at the same time can be liberating scary -. And then us but every time enriched again

second Self-care as a basis for autonomy

When it comes to us bad, friends, family or our better half are there for us. They support us when we have hurt us. And as soon as we are back again in the game, they stand on the sidelines and cheer for us. But play, we have to yourself.

Imagine a world in which we mutually would all be responsible for the fulfillment of our needs: for our partners, friends or family. In the long run a healthy balance would be almost impossible.

After a while, we would feel deprived of our freedom. The expectations together would soar - see item 1. And at least one side would feel powerless or dependent. So why should we our happiness entirely in the hands of other place if we so much to take care of it better ourselves?

By actively practicing self-care, we can prevent unhealthy dependencies arise. We can exempt treat each other, our support and practice each other in trust and consideration.

third Limits and distance can create near

distance in relationships can be daunting at first: What if they removed us emotionally from each other

Assuming we have a strong common basis, they however usually does the opposite, to a certain degree. Exactly on this core, where we find our proximity, it depends namely. It strengthens us - and we honor him as we trust each other, communicate and share experiences.

It is not a question of creating a distance in this foundation. The foundation is familiar and necessary terrain. It is our comfort zone.

But for ourselves, and for our relations, the following applies: Our comfort zone alone we will not perform on a permanent


Strong relationships give us strength and confidence. What was there rid Deres as well so go out into the world and fulfill us? Because even challenge ourselves from time to time, is a kind of self-care . So we can share our successes with each other, knowing that someone is there with setbacks -. We for ourselves, for each other and we

fourth Enter ...

No matter what area of ​​our lives we consider: Nothing works unilaterally. We can not give without taking. We can not rely on others without trust ourselves. And as long as we are not good about ourselves, we will come again and again to limits in our relations.

So we can face others with significantly more openness, understanding and consideration, if we apply this same for ourselves. we had a relaxing day or feel rested, we can let ourselves usually much better on our counterpart as if we hardly find out from our own thoughts chaos.


yourself something good , so it can also mean to draw strength, to be for others . Or to tell in one sentence: "You can not pour from an empty cup."

fifth ... and take

By doing us something good, show limitations and accept help, we can show others how we want to be treated.

where "take" mean many things: It's not just about the things we do, but also to those we do not. It is freedom to say no to things that rob us of our energy - neither we care still be good

All the small great things

As we deal caring us, we not only strengthen ourselves, but also our friendships and relationships. So self-care can allow us to live the best of both worlds: to feel support and enjoy the same Freedom . And precisely these contradictions are but the relationships so exciting, desirable and make the wonderful construct that they are.

It may sometimes be the seemingly "little" things that make the difference: on to ensure a healthy sleep , like other authentic to spend time for yourself alone or pursue a hobby. The fact that You have to take care of you , you can create an important bulwark for your well-being. For you, for your relationships and for everything else that you want to move out there in the world.




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