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  • Where can I buy This Place products offline?

    We are pleased to announce that you can also buy This Place products offline from selected partners. You can currently get This Place in the following stores: Werte Freunde, Großer Burstah 42 (Hamburg) - Wheadon, Steinstraße 17 (Berlin) - Ohia, Torstraße 103 (Meditationszentrum) (Berlin) - Ludwig Beck, Marienplatz 11 (München) and in the following Kauf Dich Glücklich stores: Schulterblatt 1 (Hamburg) - Rosenthaler Str. 17 (Berlin) - Große Eschenheimer Str. 39 (Frankfurt) - Schellingstr. 23 (München) - Reichenbachstr. 14 (München) - Kirchengasse 9 (Wien)

  • Why Did We Develop a Ritual For Each Product?

    This Place views holistic health as a comprehensive lifestyle that takes into account physical, emotional and mental self-care in equal measure. The products therefore not only focus on their physical effect, but are also linked to rituals that are intended to promote your well-being in the long term. Rituals provide support and stability in your fast-paced everyday life. They also use your brain's ability to adapt and change over time. Through the regular practice of rituals, you can positively influence thinking and behaviour patterns and boost your mental health. This Place products are designed to make rituals an easy part of your skincare routine and create a daily moment of inner connection. In the long term, they aim to help you live a fuller and happier life.

  • Are you pregnant or breastfeeding and wondering whether you should use our CBD-containing products during this time?

    First of all: Congratulations - you are about to experience the miracle of life up close! Unfortunately, this also means that at this point in time we cannot recommend our products to you with a clear conscience. This is not because CBD is known to harm your child; but rather that the research on this particular point is still not enough to say. This means that even if negative effects have not yet been observed, it cannot be ruled out that this could still happen in the future. The well-being of our customers is always our top priority. Until the last doubt is dispelled, it will stay that way: We cannot recommend any products containing CBD to pregnant or breastfeeding women.

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