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Facial oil - What effect do natural cosmetic oils have on your facial care?

Focus on Ingredients 10.05.22 13 min. read

Facial oils from natural cosmetics can be true beauty elixirs. Whether as a cleanser, serum or in creams: they are supposed to provide valuable fats and plant substances, protect against harmful UV radiation, intensively moisturize and strengthen the skin.

But maybe you're more skeptical and fear that oil-based products or a facial oil could be unfavorable even for oily skin or could additionally clog the pores of your blemish-prone skin? Or do you imagine that oils lie heavy like a film on the skin and can cause an unpleasant feeling? We want to explain to you what facial oils really do, whether they can be suitable for your skin and how to use them properly.

What effect do natural cosmetic oils have on your skincare?

To understand how facial oils can work, it can be helpful to take a look at the structure of your skin. On the outside, the skin has a protective barrier that protects it from harmful environmental influences and germs and keeps it supple. This so-called hydro-lipid layer consists of sebum, sweat, dead and hardened skin cells, amino acids and fats or lipids, such as fatty acids and ceramides. It contains natural moisturizing factors of your skin.

Above the cell layer (also called the " callous layer") lies a mantle of lipids that has a slightly acidic pH [7]. This acid mantle in turn ensures that water does not escape from the skin. It can renew itself again and again as long as your skin is healthy. However, various internal and external factors can damage it and, for example, dissolve the lipids from the callous layer. These include hormonal, genetic or seasonal factors, but also overly aggressive cleansing or skin care.

When this happens, you may find that although you moisturize your face quite a bit, it feels drier and drier. You may even develop redness and irritation. In addition, a disturbed acid mantle of your skin can repel larger groups of dead cells. You can recognize this unsightly flaking in the mirror by dry skin areas with loose skin flakes, under which makeup can collect, for example.

The reason for this is that the lack of lipids makes your skin too porous to hold water [1; 8; 9].

Oil for the skin?

This is where plant oils, for example in natural cosmetics, come into play. They consist of various fats that can make your face soft and supple. Vegetable oils can fill holes in the cell layer and in the sebum (acid mantle) by inserting themselves into the lipid network of your skin and forming a breathable lipid film on your skin - similar to the body's own sebum. In this way, they help to replace the lost lipids and strengthen the resistance of your facial skin against harmful environmental influences. But plant oils can do even more. Their most important functions are:

  • Supporting normal cell function and strengthening the outermost layer of the skin.
  • To keep the pH of the skin acidic and thus protect your skin from pathogens and inflammation.
  • To support cell metabolism and cell communication and to supply the cells with energy.
  • To keep the skin soft and elastic.
  • To transport substances to deeper tissue layers.
  • To accelerate lipid transport to the top layer and thus stimulate cell renewal (regeneration).
  • To regulate the production of inflammatory substances (so-called eicosanoids) [10; 11; 12; 13; 14] in order, for example, to prevent skin blemishes from developing in the first place.


    However, these additional effects of these so-called physiological lipids are only possible because your skin can "recognize" these lipids. Non-physiological lipids such as silicones cannot do this. They are not recognized by the skin and remain on the top layer until, for example, they end up in the waste water during facial cleansing.

    So a facial oil with skin-like natural lipids can be very good for your skin. The right products will give it a wonderful skin feeling, keep it healthy and resistant.

    Natural oil as a facial moisturizer: Is it true?

    Now you may wonder if a natural vegetable oil can also moisturize your face, because it is sometimes described that way. Strictly speaking, it can't. While moisturizing cosmetic products contain water, usually in combination with hydrating ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or glycerin, an oil consists only of fats. Accordingly, they cannot provide moisture.

    However, by forming a protective oil film, water and electrolytes are retained in the skin and moisture loss is prevented or at least slowed down (semi-occlusive effect). In addition, the natural breakdown of phospholipids forms glycerol, which actually stores an extra portion of fluid in your skin and plumps and smoothes it from the inside [10].

    Natural cosmetics face oil instead of facial cream - is it good for my skin?

    However, if you only use a facial oil purely for skin care, you will soon realize that this is not enough and can even be harmful. If applied purely to the skin, a facial oil can possibly dissolve lipids from your skin and cause its barrier function to become porous.

    A facial oil rather complements your daily care and shields your skin from environmental stress. It is recommended to combine a facial oil with a moisturizing care, for example a serum or a face cream. For a rich formulation, you can simply add one or two drops of oil to a water-based cream and spread it on your face.

    Vitamins, nutrients and co: additional substances in natural cosmetics facial oils

    Facial oils are also so valuable because they contain more than just lipids: With a truly high-quality, cold-pressed vegetable oil, your skin can also benefit from a wealth of vital nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements and antioxidants. They can support its normal function and protect it from cell damage and premature aging caused by free radicals.

    A major benefit of cold-pressed, unprocessed oils is also that the ingredients usually work synergistically. This means that they reinforce each other's effectiveness and produce a greater effect than if you were to apply the individual ingredients in isolation. Unfortunately, there is also a disadvantage: Among the complex variety of plant substances, there may also be substances to which you are sensitive. Much of this also has to do with your skin type - we will explain this in more detail.

    Face oil for dry and mature skin type

    If you are a dry skin type, then you certainly know this unpleasant feeling of tension. The skin can become rough, wrinkled, cracked and also itchy, looks tired and sallow. The reason for this is that it produces too few lipids. As a result, its hydro-lipid mantle has gaps through which water can escape and harmful substances from the environment can penetrate.

    The reduced production of lipids by the sebaceous glands also ensures that too few triglycerides are converted into fatty acids and glycerin, meaning that the skin is not sufficiently moisturized.

    In general, the amount of lipids produced by the skin naturally decreases with age. After the age of 20, your skin loses about 10 to 15 % of ceramides every ten years [10], while at the same time the production of skin lipids slows down. So for the mature skin type, supporting the lipid network is hugely important.

    If you treat it now with natural cosmetic oil rich in (poly)unsaturated fatty acids (such as almond oil) and - importantly - a moisturizing product, the care can protect your facial skin and prevent it from further moisture loss.

    Face oil for sensitive skin type

    If you have a sensitive skin type, perhaps even prone to diseases (such as neurodermatitis, rosacea), then your skin barrier is already weakened. Your skin does not tolerate every product. The problem? There are oils that have an irritating effect and can, for example, intensify redness. It is also possible that the essential oils cause irritation or even allergies. In particular, natural cosmetic oils obtained from flowers contain an abundance of these so-called terpenes.

    Our tip for you: among the products of natural cosmetic oils, choose one that was obtained from seeds or kernels. They do not contain essential oils and are generally better tolerated by sensitive skin. If you notice that you also do not tolerate them well, then we recommend that you switch to individual oil ingredients, possibly in combination, such as:

    • Squalane
    • Caprylic triglycerides
    • Linoleic acid
    • Linolenic acid


      Squalanes are very similar to the skin's own squalene as a natural component of the skin barrier and are therefore particularly well tolerated. They are incorporated directly into the uppermost cell layer and can hold the water very well in the skin.

      If you also have mature skin, you will notice the increasing loss of squalene in the form of dryness and a loss of elasticity. However, there are also disadvantages of the isolated oil components: For one thing, it doesn't allow you to benefit from the many vitalizing substances that oils in natural cosmetics offer. On the other hand, a single oily ingredient can also overload the skin, as it does not consist of just one lipid.

      Face oils for oily skin type and combination skin

      If you have a rather oily skin type, then the skin's own fats are out of balance due to stress, lack of sleep, hormones or other factors and contain too few specific fats. Your face may be red and inflamed from time to time, and pimples may form quickly.

      It is now important to use a facial oil that is non-comedogenic, i.e. does not clog the pores, rebalances the fatty acids and makes your complexion appear less oily. Ideal is a high content of linoleic acid, which as a component of ceramides strengthens the skin barrier and does not leave an unpleasant greasy film. Suitable are for example:

      • Argan oil
      • Jojoba oil
      • Grape seed oil
      • Hemp seed oil and hemp oil.


        Face oil for blemished, irritated, stressed skin

        Stressed skin types need soothing ingredients that fight inflammation and do not clog pores. A suitable skin oil should also have as few ingredients as possible to minimize the risk of intolerance reactions.

        Also important is a balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids to soothe irritation, stimulate regeneration and cell renewal, and fight inflammation and pathogens. Hemp seed oil is ideal for this because it can do all of this [19]. However, make sure that you store your product away from light and only use it in the evening. Linoleic/linolenic acid is light-sensitive and forms free radicals in contact with sunlight, which can further stress your skin.

        However, there are well-formulated oil blends that contain mostly stable substances, ensuring that linoleic acid does not remain broken down. However, these products, in turn, cannot hold moisture in the skin as well. Therefore, they must be combined with other cosmetics [3].

        The be-all and end-all of facial oils: the right application

        In order to benefit from the moisturizing effect, you should not use oils pure. Because then they can actually dry out the skin and even form eczema, because they virtually dissolve the body's own fats from your skin.

        Ideally, you should apply a few drops of facial oil to damp skin - or better yet - over a moisturizing skin care product, such as a serum or face cream. If you have sensitive or combination skin, we recommend that you first test the facial oil on a small area of skin to see if it is tolerated and then slowly approach the new treatment. For combination skin, it can be useful to apply the facial oil only outside the T-zone (chin, nose and forehead), so as not to increase unwanted shine.

        However, if you tolerate your oil well, it can make your face glow and give you the good feeling of having cared for it with purely natural ingredients. Simply develop your own personal pampering ritual by gently massaging your favorite oil into your facial skin, for example, in combination with a good skin care product. Even under make-up, facial oils often work really well and are also very productive.

        Our recommendation: Four natural facial oils from natural cosmetics

        After all, you have probably already noticed that it is not easy to find the right one from the variety of facial oils. Therefore, we at This Place would like to introduce you to four selected oils from natural cosmetics for different skin needs. 

        The Morning Glow Gesichtsöl

        Grape seed oil from natural cosmetics for dry, mature, oily skin type.

        Grapeseed oil from natural cosmetics contains abundant vitamins E and K, linoleic acid and lecithin. It is a very light product, absorbs quickly and does not clog pores (non-comedogenic). On your skin it can

        • regulate the lipid balance,
        • soothe, nourish and invigorate,
        • prevent burning and itching,
        • refine, tighten and smooth the complexion,
        • counteract inflammations, pimples and skin impurities and
        • promote wound healing in small skin lesions and brittle areas [4].


          If you find a grapeseed oil with grapeseed extract, it often contains so-called oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC for short). They are among the most powerful antioxidants of all and, in addition to vitamins, can protect your cells from damage and premature aging [20].

          We recommend our The Morning Glow facial oil. It combines soothing, barrier-boosting ingredients with the benefits of grapeseed oil. Warming a few drops of it with your hands and massaging it into your facial skin, along with your daily skincare rituals, can bring out a wonderful glow.

          Hazelnut oil from natural cosmetics for oily, dry, mature, blemished skin types.

          Hazelnut oil from natural cosmetics is rich in unsaturated fatty acids (for example, linoleic acid), minerals, vitamin E, potassium, calcium and sulfur. It is non-comedogenic and absorbs quickly. The components of the oil can help,

          • to firm and nourish your skin
          • neutralize cell-damaging free radicals,
          • retain moisture,
          • constrict blood vessels,
          • reduce inflammation and heal
          • heal wounds [6].


            In our rich facial oil The Morning Glow, hazelnut oil is wisely combined with sebum-reducing CBD [21], soothing golden algae extract and anti-inflammatory geranium. This allows your skin to regain its natural balance and powerfully fight irritation. Together with your moisturizer, a few drops of it will give your face a healthy and youthful glow and effectively prevent moisture loss.   

            Natural cosmetics carrot oil for combination, dry or mature skin types.

            Natural cosmetic carrot oil is very gentle and well tolerated, but has a comedogenic effect when pure and can therefore possibly lead to skin blemishes, especially on oily skin.

            However, it contains many fatty acids such as linoleic, linolenic and palmitoleic acid, which have a moisture-regulating effect. In addition, it contains vitamins B and C as well as potassium, which stimulate cell renewal and give a fresh appearance. Special is the extremely high content of vitamin A and beta-carotene. This allows it to, among other things

            • Soften your skin,
            • build up and renew deeper layers of skin,
            • boost collagen production and reduce its degradation,
            • tighten and smooth, visually shrink pores and reduce pigmentation,
            • support your natural skin function
            • protect against premature aging, cell and DNA damage, and regenerate UV damage,
            • reduce inflammation, disinfect and eliminate impurities,
            • improve the oxygen supply and thus the metabolic activity of your skin cells, and
            • reduce greasy areas [17].


              Our facial oil The Morning Glow combines carrot extract with regulating botanicals of the highest quality. Used daily, it can restore the skin's own balance, soothe yet invigorate, and provide a soft tint. 

              Moringa seed oil from natural cosmetics for impure, mature and dry skin and for skin diseases

              From the seeds/nuts of the miracle tree Moringa oleifera, a natural cosmetic facial oil is obtained that is particularly rich (70%) in omega fatty acids such as palmitic, stearic, arachidic and linoleic acids.

              The non-comedogenic oil, in addition to its abundance of amino acids, minerals, trace elements and antioxidants, contains as a special feature the hormone zeatin, which promotes cell division and differentiation and increases the usability of other substances. Moringa oil can help,

              • contract the vessels of your skin and thereby reduce unwanted redness,
              • fight germs
              • support skin metabolism and maintain healthy skin function,
              • reduce inflammation,
              • preserve your skin's natural protective lipid film
              • neutralize free radicals,
              • make your skin elastic, soft and supple,
              • promote collagen formation and skin regeneration,
              • accelerate wound healing,
              • fight skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema, and
              • slow down the aging process [18].


              The pH value of the oil corresponds to the natural acid barrier and is about 4.8.

              Combine your daily skin care with a few drops of our facial oil The Morning Glow. The contained moringa seed oil together with the soothing ingredients like CBD can stabilize your skin functions and give it a smooth finish.

              Bottom line 

              Facial oils can help your skin regenerate and retain moisture better. The prerequisite for this is that you know your skin type and select the appropriate oil. To be able to enjoy the authentic plant substances, cold-pressed oils from natural cosmetics are ideal. However, make sure that you apply the oil correctly. For example, it should always be combined with a moisturizing care product and never used alone on dry skin. If you include such a suitable oil in your daily care routine, it can conjure up a beautiful glow on your face, make your skin more resistant and protect it from moisture loss.


              What is the best natural cosmetics face oil?

              Which facial oil is ideal for you depends on your individual skin condition and its needs. These can change over time, for example due to climatic or hormonal changes, environmental factors, stress, diet, illness and much more. For example, if you have blemished skin, it usually does not tolerate comedogenic oils (such as coconut, linseed or wheat germ oil), because they can clog the pores and cause additional irritation. Dehydrated skin tolerates such oils better, especially in the cold season. For blemished skin, an oil with linolenic acid (such as hemp oil) is a good choice, as it can inhibit inflammation and support the function of the acid mantle. A skin complexion that tends to be dry needs an oil rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as macadamia, sea buckthorn or avocado oil. The oily skin type benefits from a non-comedogenic oil that rebalances the skin's own fatty acids, can inhibit inflammation due to a high linoleic acid content and avoid an unsightly greasy film, such as grape seed oil.

              Which face oil for mature skin type?

              With age, the lipid production of the skin decreases, the hydro-lipid mantle becomes holey and moisture escapes. In addition, the sebaceous glands produce less sebum. As a result, fewer triglycerides can be converted to fatty acids and glycerin, and the skin is less moisturized. So now, in addition to moisturizing, you need products that replenish the lipid network. A natural facial oil containing polyunsaturated fatty acids and the anti-aging substance palmitoleic acid (omega-7), as found in the oils of macadamia, sea buckthorn or avocado, is ideal. It is able to support skin regeneration and even smooth scars.

              What face oil against wrinkles?

              While no facial oil can erase deep age lines, it can visually reduce wrinkles caused by dryness. With the right product, you can make your skin look healthier, fresher and more radiant by helping it retain moisture and fight off free radicals more effectively. Almond oil, for example, can help strengthen your skin barrier. It keeps it beautifully supple and preserves its elasticity. Macadamia, Sea buckthorn or avocado oil contain omega-7 fatty acids that promote skin regeneration and can even smooth scars. Castor oil promotes collagen production and can thus also help to smooth fine lines and wrinkles.

              Which face oil for dry skin?

              In dry skin, the hydro-lipid mantle of the skin is disturbed. There are gaps in the barrier, allowing moisture to escape from the skin. The lack of moisture can disrupt cell communication and make the skin sensitive to external stimuli. Now your skin needs care that replenishes the missing lipids and keeps it moisturized. Under no circumstances should you put pure oil on your skin, because that can further wash out the lipids from your skin. A good oil for dry skin is, for example, hazelnut oil. It is rich in fatty acids (e.g. linoleic acid), minerals, vitamin E, potassium, calcium and sulfur, is quickly absorbed into the skin and does not clog the pores. It can gently help retain moisture in the skin and neutralize cell-damaging free radicals. It can also help heal wounds and inflammation. Other kernel oils, such as macadamia and avocado oil, are also possible.

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