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In Conversation with Mogli: On Creativity, Vulnerability, and Shifting Societal Norms

Im Gespräch 04.09.24 2 min. read

Hi Mogli! Could you tell us a bit about who you are and what you do?

I am an artist and mother living in Berlin. My roots are indigenous north african (Amazigh), I am queer, autistic and I have Adhd.

I create music and movies and love expressing myself in various other outlets like dance too. I use my platforms to be an advocat for the topics I care about like human rights, decolonisation, feminism, anti-fascism and sustainability.

What is the essence of your work/ Songs?

The essence of all of my work is vulnerability. I share truthfully and intentionally and catalyse people into doing the same.

What inspired you to start your musical journey and how has your art evolved since then?

I sang before I could speak. It will always be my first “language” but my outlets have and will always continue to evolve. I have an inherent drive to create, being an artist is not (just) my job but a huge part of my identity. Different topics long for different ways of expression so I never know if my next project will be a song, a painting a full length movie or a crochet top. 

How do you deal with creative blockages and would you share any self-care rituals/practices that help rejuvenate your creative energy?

I’m a cyclic being. I don’t have creative blocks because I don’t pressure myself to create if I don’t feel like it. I don’t create something for reasons like commercial success, my motor is to share truthfully. If I don’t have anything to say, I don’t do it. I live in reciprocity with life. There will always be phases of input and output. 

What message do you want to convey with your music and what topics are particularly close to your heart?

My messages change with every project, my last project Ravage which was a movie and an album was about being brave enough to be vulnerable, introspection and healing. My next album is about my different identities combined with some soothing tunes for the nervous system as an answer to the state of the world.

We launched a new product this year: Wake Up Call. Is there a Wake Up Call in your life that has had a lasting impact on you?

Realizing that the systems currently in place are unjust and unsustainable and that we shouldn’t accept that. We grew up thinking that the “norm” is fine when it’s really not. It’s our responsibility to create a new norm, for that we need to constantly question, learn, evolve.

What are 3 essential things you couldn't live without for maintaining your well-being and promoting self-care? (Whether they're physical items, daily rituals, or practices, we'd love to hear about them.)

My self-cafe rituals are so so important to me because a regulated nervous system is the foundation of a happy, healthy life. Practicing Yoga Nidra daily (a form of self-hypnosis/deep relaxation), implementing a morning and evening routine and learning about ayurveda have been life changing for me.




If you'd like to find out more about Mogli, you can follow her on instagram (@mogliofficial) or visit her website.


Photo credit: © Johanna Berghorn



