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- Acne Cream & CBD I Natural Cosmetics to fight acne | This Place
Acne Cream & CBD I Natural Cosmetics to fight acne | This Place
Skincare for Acne
Far too often, with a classic (prescription) acne cream, the focus is solely on making pimples and blemishes disappear. It's quickly forgotten that acne-prone skin also needs care. Recently, functional natural cosmetics have introduced an anti-inflammatory acne cream that relies on particularly soothing plant extracts. Discover here the types and causes of acne, and how a modern formulation can simultaneously care for, harmonize, and soothe your skin.
Acne Causes
Skin irritations and pimples are something probably all of us have experienced at some point. The causes can be diverse. Common reasons include hormonal fluctuations that occur during puberty, pregnancy, and even breastfeeding. External factors can also affect your skin condition and cause pimples or acne.
How This Place Products Can Help

Acne: Overview
What causes acne?

Types of acne
Natural cosmetics and acne
Home remedies
Why natural cosmetics are good for you